Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Confusion: From the Emotional to the Chronological, and Beyond...

Take the time to make some sense
Of what you want to say
And cast your words away upon the waves

Oh… to try and start at the very beginning…

Chronology collapses.

So…which one came first? Laidback Waters? Kakoris? Which week was Shalom? And the second time? Serpico? Has it been fourteen days? Nineteen? How long ago was Hookah? Three-four-five months?

How long has this been coming? A couple of days? Months? A year? Or maybe many years…?

Who can begin to comprehend the connections that bind us and the tiniest acts that change the course of our lives…?
Because (let’s face it), it all began with Calvin and Hobbes (at least it was A beginning if not THE beginning). Lucky that I’m a fan…!

And the Butterfly Effect kicks in for all its worth.

Calvin and Hobbes… an inquiry… a tentative plan… Mocha and a millionmillion questions…

Quick addictions… endless conversations… ridiculous sleep cycles… Aladdin and rain…

A phone call. Is that a local code? Yes.


When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse


Except for snatches of Coldplay, Incubus, Floyd…

My own, truly bizarre situation… I was surprised he didn’t walk away. For good.

“Coming back to Delhi? That’s great!”

And yes, Atlas shrugged. In some ways, more that night than any other.
Tumbling through easy conversation and too-many-drinks… Parents and movies and Islam and alcohol and stories… Collapsing onto the Laidback Waters sofa… “You’re a psycho”… Laughing so hard that we had to hold each other to not fall off…

Two statements. Intrinsically bound to each other, and intrinsically false.

I don’t do infidelity.
And marriages aren’t two week vacations.

Can’t help but wonder… who was the “weakness”? Or was it just me?

Hmmm… Anyway, shirt duly pulled down, moment effectively killed. Thank god we’ll always have that!

Bygones, as someone likes to say…

But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

My pace…?
I haven’t felt that in a long time…
Complex webs of nomenclature and explanations to curious friends. And each other!

“Will you go out with me?”
Oh well, what chance does ‘my pace’ stand against the inevitable?
Finally done with controversial terms used to describe our equation…

A love of the transience of everything. Reveling in it.
Really? Always??
Or is that transient too?

The answer's in the looking glass
There's four and twenty million doors
Down life's endless corridor

To echo the “possibility of eventuality”, yes, trying to second guess certain things is futile.

Full Circle.
The irony of it is almost Justin Timberlake-ish.
A heady acceleration and-waitaminute, where are the brakes??
Ohhh…. There aren’t any.
That explains all the freewheeling and spinning out of control…
Cheers to that, then.

As I chase the sun


imaginista$ said...

Hey P....have been a regular to your space for sometime...have been searching for indian blogs that dont have the habit of 'in my point of view' theories.....

and I think you are exploiting it well:)

The choice of music ofcourse rocks!
Keep writing!


Shine On said...


It felt like thinking out loud..

Yes, NO!, maybe..,No.., Yes.... how can we stand up against the inevitable?
To a life..with no brakes...the chase has truly begun...


P. said...

@imaginista- Thank-you so much! Glad you enjoy reading the stuff!

@shine on- Thanks sweetheart. When's your next one? I'm hoping they work in tandem. Chasing the sun and all that!

TS said...

As I chase the sun...


sprakash said...

you look like our blog... this is mind boggling http://www.stopbywhenever.blogspot.com

. said...

Incubus?? RESPECT!!

That Armchair Philosopher said...

erk. is it weird that I'm lost on reading that post? :)

G said...

Nice, I know I'm going to keep coming back.. (as I said I would be!)

Anonymous said...

I’m so touched by the tone here. Your writing is all tone. And I never know what that tone is.

(Because I need to learn to separate the person I know from the words I read. It’s not the same thing, I know. But, darling, you always get in the way, and I have to think of you.)

You begin by talking of beginnings, and end with their transience. It’s a beautiful inevitability, as if the transient were inevitable.

But, I have to ask, what was inevitable, the beginning or its fruition?

P. said...

@ts- Amen, indeed! :)

@durkhaima- The similarity is startling!

@art- Love them :)

@that armchair philosopher- It's not weird at all. I hope you got lost in a good way though! :)

@g- You came! :)

@gautam- You're always way too nice about whatever I write :) Inevitable? I guess all of it is, isn't it? Beginning, fruition and transience in general. Allow me to be cryptic, please!