Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine Confessions

To write about love is... simplistic... reductive... implausible... incorrigible... Irresistible!

Did I really think that something this perfect existed?

Sure. In the same way that someone who has never been outside of the city of their birth believes in foreign lands. But to know it... To taste it every single day... That is a different country altogether... an imaginary homeland, located and conquered.

Am I frightened as I write this?
Hell, yeah.
Scared to death as I consider the possibility of how it will feel to return and read these words in the hypothetical, impossible scenario of 'it's-not-working-out'.

But if there's one thing I have identified about this sunburst it is this: I have never been more vulnerable, or more fearless than I am in this moment in time.
Courage to face what lies ahead... Love across oceans and trudging across the deserts of millions of inevitable dusty hassles... And fragility to the extent that I cannot look beyond this...

For the love... the faith... the dreams...
For making it real, and keeping it real...
Happy valentines darling

And before you ask, of course it had to be a day late.
Delay is our bond.


Anahat said...

this requires a post... u monopoly tyrant you :-)

. said...

it feels like a prayer that makes me want to say amen at the end. love's hard man.

P. said...

@both of you- :)

Anonymous said...

Very well written...probably ur best amongst all!